Saturday, December 22, 2012

Being sick and Liebster Award

    This week started off pretty good but quickly turned... Tuesday I woke up with a head which quickly grew to a stomachache which then turned to body ache. I do not get that sick very often but boy did I have the flu. Which was following by a cold. I'm still battling the cold but seem to be feeling a little better!!
    But in better news I did manage to pull a 4.0 GPA for school!!! I was never that good in school before so it makes such a big difference when you actually know what you want to do for a living!
Also I have been nominated for a Liebster Award several times and have not gotten to complete it so to everyone that have nominated me in the past Thank you!! I was most recently nominated by Fashion with Danny so I will complete that one!

1)Answer the 11 questions from the person who nominated you
2)Nominate 11 bloggers and link them to your blog
3)Create 11 questions for those that you nominate
4) Let those you nominated know!

Here are my questions from Danny
1)Describe your style in 3 words: hmm, this is kind of a hard one I'd say classic, comfortable and eclectic
2)Why did you start blogging? I started blogging because I needed an outlet to be creative, I was disliking my job and felt so dull. It also helped me ultimately quit my job and go back to school to do something I love!
3)What's your favorite book? Oh my! I do not read very often and really have never been, I recently purchased Nate Berkus book The things that matter, which I loved and cried through.
4)Who is your favorite designer? I really love Oscar de la Renta, and Anna Sui.
5)What is your blogging routine? It really just depends on the day. Mostly if I feel like I have enough to post I will in the evenings.
6)What social media site do you use the most? Facebook and instagram
7)Do you have a job? No. I go to school now :)
8)Who takes pictures for your blog? I usually do, or my husband, or whoever is around.
9)What celebrity do you think has great style? um all? If I had a stylist I would as well!
10)Who is your favorite blogger? Hard one!! I follow many many daily. Currently: Mucho Mucho Bueno BuenoThe Day BookChalk White Arrrow, and Peach Gingham. These grow and change though!
11)What is your favorite fashion item? I would say right now scarfs!

Here is my list of Bloggers!

1)exclusively chic
2)Victoria's Stye Secrets
3)Blondies Style Fix
4)Zerxza style
5)Miss Taty Bliss
7)Hey There Stylish
8)Asshly Official
9)Charme Insolite
10) The Real McCoys
11)Soul of a fashionista

My Questions:
1)What would be your dream job? 
2) If you could buy anything right now what would it be?
3) Do you prefer Breakfast or Lunch?
4)What is one thing you couldn't live without in your closet?
5) What is your favorite store?
6)What is your go to outfit?
7) In your opinion who has the best fashion week? 
8)What designer would you intern with if you had a chance?
9)Flats or High heels?
10)Why did you start blogging?
11)What is the best advice you could give to a new blogger?

Okay that was long!! Enjoy!!

Xo jess


  1. Lol, Love it!! :-) Hope you feel better!

  2. Congrats! Glad you're feeling better.

  3. Hi Doll, thanks so much for stopping by! Your blog is so cute! I hope you feel better soon, but congrats on the 4.0 and the award!!

    xo Rach
    Enter the Alex and Ani Giveaway!

  4. Thanks for listing me as a blogger!
    Hope your feeling better now!
    Grace X

  5. I love your blouse
